All about LED

Hi friends!  today i am telling you about LED light. 
First of all the full form of LED is light emitting diode . It is more important to know inventor of LED
"Nick holonyak and oleg Losev and H.j Round " are invented the LED .
  Today LED light is more popular than other light. It has many reasons. 

The advantage of LED :-
1.)  Low operational voltage and less power consumption.
2.)  Fast action and no warm - up time required.
3.)  Long life and ruggedness.
4.)  Fast on - off switching capability.

5.)  Most importance advantage it decrease the electricity Bill , so poor man can use these money to another work.

6.) Save electricity so government and people both are Happy.

Now let's time to know ""what is LED and how does  it work"" ??

What is LED ??
LED is a two lead semiconductor light source. It is a heavily doped p-n junction diode . which emits spontaneous light (radiation ) under forward bias or when electricity is supplied. ( as shown in figure)

How does LED work ??

When the diode is forward biased electrons moves from  n to p type and holes (+) moves from p to n type .
Due to recombination of holes(+)ve  and electron (-) ve , the energy is released in the form of light (photons) . This effect is called electroluminesce. Photons energy is equal to or slightly less than energy gap are emitted..

LED light is available in red, yellow orange, green and blue colour .
Because LED can emit these colour light .
The compound semiconductor Gallium Arsenide- Phosphide is used to making LEDs of different colours. 

  Which gas is filled in electric LED bulb ??
Argon  gas is a commonly used.

But  as like two face of one Coin  LED light has also disadvantage,

 Disadvantage of LED lights:-

1.) LED light is more expansive than regular light.  The price of LED is measured in price per lumen, so the brighter bulbs than can light up an entire room is quite expansive.

2.) LED lights may damage our eyes, According to new research . A study has discovered that exposure to LED light can cause to irreparable harm to the retina of human eyes.


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